Cats seem okay with baby but aren't?


I have a three week old baby. We introduced him to our two indoor cats slowly, and they have been doing great! They sometimes walk up to him and sniff near him and then run away if he moves. They avoid him if he's not asleep, and do nothing more than sniff nearby when he is asleep. We've been making sure to give them extra pets and attention. They've been acting like they usually do, no signs of distress...

Except that last week one of them peed on our blankets on our bed. Which is weird because they sleep on our bed too, so why pee in your own sleeping zone? And last night one of them pooped on the living room carpet -- totally unprecedented.

Our older cat is 8, and has peed on things in the past... at our previous house where stray cats were spraying outside and she could smell it and seemed to be marking her territory in the room nearest to where the stray cats hung out outside. Since moving to this house, she's been fine, no inappropriate peeing... even when one year ago we adopted a second cat.

Our younger cat is one year old, and she's the one I suspect just because I feel like our older cat didn't revenge-pee when she was upset about the new cat, so why would she now?

I don't know if it's relevant but several mice have gotten into the house lately and been dispatched by the cats.

Any ideas what to do? We have two litter boxes, lots of cat toys, a six foot cat tree, and various other attractive high perches. We used a feliway diffuser when we first got the new cat. I'm planning to buy a refill now. Any other suggestions?? Thanks in advance!