What do I say...

My SO and I have been together 2 years and we have both grown a lot with each other. He has taken on being my sons Dad, and he loves our son so much. Only thing is some he acts like such a child himself like for example this morning my son came in and got in bed with us about the time he goes to work so when I got up to get him a sippy cup I covered baby boy up with one of SOs small blankets ( he has 3 on the bed that he kicks off due to the heat of where we live) and I headed to the kitchen, moments later I have a crying toddler climbing up me in the kitchen saying daddy took the blanket. So I went in put him back in my bed with one of his blankets and my only blanket( we do not share blankets most of the rime due to SO being a blanket hog) and I spoke to SO about what was up with the blanket and i just felt like I was dealing with a whining kid... Saying that it was his blanket and he as tired of the baby taking his blankets and he was not going to share... I stared at him a moment and agreed that baby boy has a obsession with soft blankets but he is aware that that blanket is his dad's and that's why he likes cuddling it while his daddy is at work. Then it went to the blanket I use being his blanket too... All mine are in storage and well he did not want to bring my own blankets because we did not have enough room for all the blankets we own in his tiny apartment and he did not want to put his in storage.

This is just one example 85% of the time he is amazing and a great father and husband but then somethings bug me like he gets upset every time my parents do something for our son, he fights with our son like he is a kid, or he throws a fit over the smallest of things and really he acts like a kid. Lately it has been more and I have noticed baby boy throwing more fits as well. I don't know how to get SO to understand how his behavior teaches our son. I have sat down with him he agrees and then goes right back to doing the same stuff and then gets mad when i repeat my self. Any advice? Not leaving him...just so you all know lol thank you.