Birth story


On May 25th at 4am I woke up thinking I had to poop really bad, I go to the bathroom do my thing and lay back down 2 mins later felt like I had to poop again nothing happened so I wiped and saw blood so I wake up my husband and tell him it's time. We leave at about 4:10 to go to hospital, got there at 4:15, at this point I knew it was to time I couldn't walk with every contraction I could feel more and more pressure I knew if I didn't get into the hospital I'd be having my soon in the car. I get into my room went to the bathroom and my body started pushing I was 9cm, i wouldn't fully dialated and they could see his head so they pulled my cervix over him, 2 more pushes and had my son at 4:23am. Noah Jacob weighing 6lbs 2oz 18 3/4 inch long. He is now 3months old and the best thing to happen to my husband and I and our 2 other boys. He was been such an easy baby sleeping threw the night since he was a week old. He's doing so good holding his head up he smiles and laughs. He's such an easy baby and had such a fast and easy labor.