awaiting ovulation????

Amina • Mother of #2 28❤️

Hi ladies this month i didnt get my BFP. although i thought i was going to get my very first bfp i sure enough didnt. i did get a faint line on a test but AF ended coming Cd 35 instead of CD 32 and what i fount weird was that it didnt last 7 days like usually but it lasted about 4 or 5 days which never happens. Do you ladies think maybe that was a chemical pregnancy??? but yea so now im awaiting till ovulation day. this time im going to try the egg meets sperm plan and then eating pineapple core after ovulation also going to use the rest of my preseed and my digital opks. im currently on cd 9 and i will start testing cd 15 because thats when i got high fertility smileys last time. so hopefully this is my giving this baby thing my all !! i just hate when people say just let it happen.i have learned to stop stressing so now ive been totally calm. ive been trying for 2 years to give my husband a family .i really hope this is my dust to all 😇🙏🐣🌈🌈