Depo Prover& Vitex- How I regulated my Periods


When I was in 9th grade I lost my virginity. Me being very immature and too young, I had a pregnancy scare. I thought I loved my bf, but we weren't ready for kids. His best friend's mom told me about Depo. She took me to PPH without my moms permission. PPH gave me the shot and said the only side effects would possibly be weight gain, and light periods. Well the following month I had no period. I took the next round after about two months (I cant remember but it was on time) at my appointment I had gained like 10-15 lbs. Thinking nothing much of it, I got the shot again. Still no periods or any spotting. After I started noticing my clothes fitting tighter, extreme mood swings, and I mean EXTREME, I was the devil! I had suicidal thoughts, extreme stretch marks, stress, depression, insomnia, I was failing at everything in school. I was 15 years old, weighing iver 200 lbs. Before I started depo I kid you not I was 145 lbs. Tell me this didn't cause it. I waited for my period to come. Before the depo my periods were on the 22-25 of every month. Months kept passing, still no periods. Me being so young, I was terrified to tell my mom what id done to my own body. How im not a virgin. At this age, the periods were the least of my worries! I mean, who likes having periods anyways? Especially since me and my bf were sexually active, I never worried about having to say no. Well im now 21 years old. Just until last year i started getting my period more often. I dont mean every month, but more often. MAYBE every other month, maybe every three-4 months. I never know. Im completely dry (TMI) I have absolutely no CM unless im aroused. Me and my husband have been TTC for 2 years now. I've been avoiding doctors like the plague because if they tell me that im infertile, that I have PCOS, or something like endometriosis, I will not be able to handle it. Just a few months ago I started doing some research on natural remedies.I came accross this natural suppliment called "Vitex" I took it and the next day I started my period. It had been atleast 2 months since I had my period. I was FLOORED!! The following 3 months i had a normal-on time period. This month I spotted on my day I was supposed to start, but It disapeared. I still have another bottle of Vitex/chasteberry so on the 1st of Sept I am going to start again. I am praying this is my answer. Many women ask why I dont just visit my doctor. The thing is, I know theyre just going to tell me to lose the weight. I am working out, and i am slowly losing the weight. Ive also talked to a doctor and they suggested bcp. I refuse to attack fire with fire. I absolutely refuse to take birth control of any sort to fix what birth control has done to me. I want to try natural remedies first. My point in telling my story is to raise awareness. Girls/Ladies please do not take Depo Provera. Unless you are not planning to conceive one day. It is unhealthy and NOT worth it. I absolutely dread the day I have to tell my Hubby that we arent able to have a baby. Due to my own fault! Dont let this be you! Learn from my mistakes. 💔