Help please I'm driving myself insane


My fiancé and I have been trying for a little over 18 months now. I am 260lbs at 5'8. My doctor told me I wouldn't ever be able to get pregnant because fat girls always have irregular periods. So I switched doctors. Last year we took in my 3yr old baby brother (now 4) and it gave us the meanest case of baby fever. We moved into a bigger house and got better jobs so we could start our family. 5 months ago my younger brother was forcibly removed from our house because of his father I was 6w 4d and the stress made me miscarry. Now my stress level is very low and I am really wanting to be a mom. I'm the oldest out of ten so u can see where my want of family comes from. 9dpo I took a hpt and it was a very very faint positive that got darker within 5minutes but I couldn't believe so I tested 5 more times all negative so I thought it was too early. My tummy is rock solid. All smells make me sick. Everything makes me sick. I have terrible cold symptoms and I've been sleeping my days away. Af is about 12 days late. I want more than anything to be a mom. But I just don't know. I've been taking prenatal just in case. HELP!!!! Let me know what your thinking