how do i handle his temper?

my boyfriend is an amazing guy and I really care about him and he does me. but sometimes he gets very overprotective and gets upset when I go places without letting him know and without telling him who's gonna be there and all that. sometimes its a but much because if I'm going to the gas station for snacks, I shouldn't have to write a whole police report with all the key details of what I'm doing.

anyways, the other day I was hanging out with my bestfriend who I haven't seen in so long cuz he lives in France and my boyfriend saw it on Snapchat and flipped out and we got into a huge fight. he drove to my house and we were arguing for hours and he pushed me and I fell and hit my arm on a coffee table.

and I've got a pretty gnarly bruise now and I bruise very easily, sometimes when were at school he will get mad and grab my arm and leave an indentation where his fingers are and every time it happens he apologizes and he's never hit me, so I'm not like being abused or anything but I just wanted to know how you guys would handle his temper and let him know that not everything is this huge issue that he needs to freak over. below is a picture of my arm

UPDATE: my best friend saw my arm yesterday and flipped out even tho I begged him not to because for the most part, I can handle my boyfriend. so he waited at my house for my boyfriend to come over.

when he did, he immediately got angry because we were at my house alone and he told me to cine with him so we could talk and I was going to but my best friend grabbed my hand and begged me not to go but my boyfriend grabbed my forearm with the bruise and yanked me toward him so of course I cried out because it hurt and I fell again and my best friend completely lost his mind and started screaming at him and jumped on him an they were fighting but my best friend, who is a pretty big guy was on top and punching the lights out of my boyfriend and saying stuff like "if you ever touch her again, I'll kill you" and "don't ever lay your hands on her again" and calling him all sorts of obscenities and all the while I was crying and I didn't know what to do and I pulled my best friend off of him and he shook me off and pulled him up from the ground and told him to leave and never speak to me again and he did.

later on he called me and said that my best friend and I would pay for the whole thing and had his parents call the police and so my best friend got arrested today and I had to tell my parents everything and they know now and now I have to make a statement or whatever so my best friend doesn't get charged for battery or anything. and I'm just so stressed out and so upset and I can't stop crying and I really don't want him to get in trouble or for my boyfriend to be angry because I didn't even want anyone being involved or fighting for me or anything.


these last few days have been extremely stressful for me and my family. my best friend is out for now but my now ex boyfriend is till out for the blood of both of us. we're pending a restraining order against him legally and at school and I've blocked his number but I am still scared he will come after me or .y best friend for revenge or whatever. I am really trying yo be as positive as possible and make it through these next few weeks and I'm trying to take everyone's advice and right now Im just very emotionally distraught I guess because I do miss my boyfriend but I look at my arm and think about all the crap from him and it makes that feeling almost go away so idk. please any guiding advice would be helpful because I honestly don't know what's going on or what to expect from what I think might become a whole case or something