Glucose test

Hi everyone! Just curious if any other Mamas took the one hour glucose test and failed it but passed the three hour?
Last week I went for my one hour glucose test which I assumed I had to fast for so I did. I didn't eat after 11 the night before and had the test done at around ten the next day. (So about 11 hours of nothing to eat or drink). When I arrived they told me that I didn't have to fast but it was fine that I did and we continued. The next day my doctor called me and told me that I failed my glucose test and the doctor wanted me to have the three hour done as soon as possible. It just makes me nervous because I fasted for the one hour so my sugar would have came back even higher if I didn't. 
I did the three hour glucose test which is the one you have to fast for yesterday and now am anxiously waiting for the results that I won't get until Tuesday due to the weekend and holiday.