In Need of Help


I know this app is for periods, sex, and pregnancy type stuff, but someone has to know what's going on. Ever sense I had pneumonia in November 2015, I've lost a lot of weight (mostly from involuntary puking - I now weigh just over 100 lbs). My heart hurts almost 24/7 for maybe 6 months (idk how to explain it, but "my heart hurts" is honestly the best I can do). I've had abdominal pain for about a year now. I have a high pain tolerance so it's kinda like an irritating cramp that never goes away. But since the other day, I've come across a new abdominal pain. Feels like I'm being stabbed in every which direction from my insides. It makes me fall to the floor, screaming in pain. If it helps, I've gotten a CT scan (I also have an appointment with a specialist a month from now, so I am seeking help although it's not affordable) and this is what they've found: enlarged liver, right kidney tube is enflamed, and my colon's lining is "questionably thick". Recently, whenever I go to a doctor, they think they're treating my mom because my CT scan apparently looks like a 60 year old woman (my mother is not 60, but she's got that gray hair lol). If you or someone you know have had symptoms like this and have been diagnosed by a medical specialist, please let me know. Not looking for a diagnosis, but I'd like to have an idea what MIGHT be happening to me. So far, I've only heard one story like this and this lady died at the age of 22... I'm only 19.....