my 30 weeker


My due date was may 19th 2017, my water broke at 29 weeks 3 days. I was given a steroid shot then sent to Mount Sinai is toronto. we stayed there a week while little miss was a good girl and stayed in to cook a little longer. the day I hit 30 weeks I was sent to Orillia as they could deliver her there and it was closer to home. we made it exactly five days in Orillia when little miss decided to make her arrival. I had been having contractions all of Tuesday night but didn't think much of it as they had been coming and going the whole time spent in hospital but these ones didn't go away. at 6 pm Wednesday march 15th I was 5 cm. at 10:14 pm little Arkadia-May arrived weighing 3 lbs 5.3 oz and breathing on her own I got to see her for a minute then she was taken to the nicu. her daddy followed close behind her, I stayed in the delivery room for about 30 mins before I got to go see her again. she spent exactly 35 days in hospital. she will be 6 months old on the 15th of this month, weighs 11 lbs 5 oz and is doing absolutely amazing.