Does anyone see that?

Im freaking out.Thats an indent right? I took it this afternoon. It did say not to read past 10 mins. I did forget about it and ended up reading it at 15 mins and saw that. I know its void and i should test again tomorrow morning and i plan to but im still freaking out. Im on a birth control (Daysee,generic Seasonique). Havent gotten my period but felt like I was gonna get it. Im not 100% sure when my last period was because I switched from iud to pill and have been spotting alot in between. The last time i had a period that i know was for sure and not just spotting I thing was on June. My baby is 6 months old. Wasn't planning for my second one until my daughter was 3 years old. I feel like I'd be cheating her out of Mommy and Daddy time by having another baby so soon. and I know it sounds crazy but I don't know if I would be able to love another baby right now like I love her. I

guess im just scared...