His Email

My SO and I have had this conversation a few times and I have agreed to let it go but it just doesn't seem right.

We have been together for 5 years, a steady 5 years no breakups at all and are very proud of this. However like every relationship we have had our share of "ups and downs" but we always manage to set all the issues aside and focus on our love for one another. But this is where I get bothered.

Social media has always been a pain in the but for us. Mostly because the random messages ppl send, weather it be an ex or even that weird creeper that want to say "what's up", and this goes for the both of us. Difference between us is that I am the one that just scrolls around on FB, instagram and Snapchat. It's once in a blue moon that I will post or share anything on any social media. He on the other hand was constantly in conversations weather it be a random post or a political debabte, if he had an opinion he was sharing it. Since we had issues because of his communication with ex girl friends he on his own deleted all his social media accounts. This was his decision, I never asked him to do this and even suggested that I delete mine and we could start over with shared accounts. He declined and insisted that he just didn't want to be on social media anymore.

Fast track to about 6 months ago. I got my hands on his phone and curiously went thru it and came across his email. He had emails with other females, females that I have never meet that he says are old college friends. The or convo wasn't anything I was too worried about, other than it was a bit flirty but not too bad. He of course was upset that I was snooping thru his phone and email. He ended up changing his password and said "you know literally everything about me. I just need something in my life to stay personal". His statement is what bothers me to no end. Although I still have all my social media accounts and a email I have no problem with him being apart of it. should he want to snoop I'd say go ahead, If i need info out of my email, I'd gladly give him my password to access any of my accounts. He on the other hand would not. We also go married 3 months ago and he still feels the same way about keeping his email private. I feel like if he didn't have anything to his he would but more open with his email and being insecure? Should I talk to him, and if so do you have any advice on how I can start this convo?