After IVF Dr said baby is behind & suggested d&c


Hi all.

I'm looking for some advice. After our first round of <a href="">IVF</a> we were fortunate enough to receive a BFP 11 days after transfer. My HCG numbers were rising beautifully, but at my first scan my dr said that the baby was much smaller than it should have been at 5w3d. She had me come back two days later and at this time she found the yolk sac but still said I was behind. Two days after that I went in and she said that she couldn't see a fetal pole and said I could either stop taking my progesterone and have a natural miscarriage or schedule a d&c.;

We didn't do PGS with this embryo and we knew that there was a chance of abnormality but it seems so soon to be scheduling this. We have a trip planned to Italy on the 14th so she suggested that we schedule on the 7th (at 6w6d).

On Friday my hcg levels went up but didn't double like they had been previously (this time they went up about 50%). She's sending us to a radiologist the day before the scheduled d&c; to be sure that the baby isn't as far along as it should be, but I'm so overwhelmed and afraid.

Does anyone else had a similar experience? I know that she's the dr and knows best but I'm scared that I'm going to terminate what could be a healthy pregnancy.