My husband thinks I'm pregnant but I don't

I just had my mirena IUD taken out last September. I immediately started getting regular periods and they have not fluctuated much at all. So when I had my period right on time last month, I assumed that meant no baby (as usual). This month's period is due in less than a week. I always get sore breasts the week before my period but this time the soreness came on much earlier than normal and when I say soreness I mean HOLY CRAP THEY HURT. I also have been nauseous quite a bit the last few days. I don't think it means anything but my husband swears I'm pregnant which is super odd coming from him. We're not really trying for a baby but we're not exactly NOT trying. If it happens it happens. We did have sex twice during my last ovulation time frame but that was roughly 2 weeks ago. Not possible right?? Am I letting my husband get to me and over thinking this? Or can you have pregnancy symptoms this early? I am impatiently awaiting my period due date to find out!