Birth plans


I'm 15 weeks and 5 days and I live in Hobart, Australia and I'm wondering if birth plans are something they do everywhere and if you really need one? I have severe anxiety and I just take every day as it comes, everyday I'm pregnant is a day I am happy and grateful and I hate thinking that far ahead. When it comes to the birth, I'm just praying it goes smoothly and I've witnessed that not be the case many many times which makes me even more scared. The last birth I witnessed was my little cousins and my Aunty had her with no drugs except a lot of the gas and after the baby was born she refused to hold her and passed out, her heart pretty much stopped and they couldn't find a reason for it. She was fine after they gave her this needle, but it's scared the shit out of me. My mum haemorrhaged with every baby she had, the last baby she had she lost more than half of body's blood and the transfusion almost didn't work, they only just stopped her bleeding in time, everyone in my family has haemorrhaged also so when it comes to my baby's birth I'm just praying we both make it through it. I don't want to do a birth plan, I just wanna be grateful everyday and not think so far ahead. Is that bad of me? Should I really consider a birth plan, I have no idea how they even work?