Short or long?? HELP

Caroline • F•P•E |-/

Recently I took a picture of me where it looks like I have short hair, I basically put my hair in a low pony and pulled the front pieces out to make it look short. I asked for feedback and a bunch told me to go for it and others told me not too.

Idk what to do simply because I've worked forever (since 8th grade and I'm now a sophomore in college) to grow my hair out and all I've ever wanted was long hair, but lately I've been feeling blah with it. All I do is brush it and leave it natural, braid it in pig tails, or pull it up in a pony tail. Sometimes I'll curl it and let it be wavy throughout the day, and sometime I straighten it.

On one hand I want to because short hair looks super cute and trendy, but on the other hand long hair is just so pretty and so much can be done with it.

I'm just super torn because I know I'll miss being able to do cute hairstyles with it, but I also know it'll be relieving to not have to do much with it. I really wanna know opinions from other people who haven't known me my whole life.

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