Do you think baby will come early if I have a Version "EVC" done at 36 weeks?

Bree 🖤♉️ • Mrs. W 5.5.16 💍 Boy Mom 11.6.17 💙 Girl Momma 8.5.19 💗 Girl Momma 9.22.21 💜 Dog Mom 🐶

Just left the doctors for my 32 week appt. Doctor said everything is fine baby is fine I'm fine. However, since baby was in breech position at 29 weeks.. I am getting an ultrasound done again on October 2nd (36 weeks) to see if he has changed positions. If not I will have to have an EVC done that week in which my doctor said I have a 50/50 chance of going into labor or having an emergency c-section etc.. Has anyone had this happen to them?

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