Earliest Pregnancy Signs



Newly to trying to conceive. What's the earliest you can or have felt pregnancy symptoms? If you got or are getting symptoms after ovulating/intimacy you haven't had in years or ever be signs of being pregnant?

I'm super in tune with my body. My cycle is on average 25 days, my fertility window according to Glow and another app I use, I had a window before and into this weekend.

A few symptoms I have been having are:

-Tender, sore nipples (before and after ovulation, hasn't gone away, been daily for about a week). Darker nipples the last few days and since today veins on my breasts have been prominent.

-Diarreah for about 3-4 days

-Mild nausea

-Increase in fatigue

and finally today, all day no matter what I do or take, SEVERE heartburn/indigestion along with belching (something I haven't had in over 10 years even once).

I usually have most of those symptoms for PMS (with the exception of the heartburn/indigestion) but it's never this early. Usually I get PMS a week before my period not 12 days before hand.

I just feel different and off. Not like my usual self. I know it's like SUPER early. But just curious if it's possible. I have really been trying not to look for symptoms but just noticing how early and different I seem to be having PMS symptoms if they are that.

please don't judge. I know to wait and take a test if I miss my period in 11-12 days. Just want some thoughts from those who have had a child or pregnancy. Much appreciated. :)
