Opinions please!

Cooper Ashley • Lorelai Aerith Ocean born October 13 2017 💝 identical twin girls born May 5 2021 at 35+6 💕

At what point should itchiness become a concern? My hands and feet have been getting so itchy lately with no visible reason why. It gets to a point that I'm scratching myself raw almost and it keeps me up at night because I'm too itchy to sleep.

I've emailed my midwifery so they're going to get back to me soon, I just didn't call/page them because one of my midwives always makes me feel dumb whenever I do 🙃

But I've seen a lot about ICP and I've had a history of having slow moving bile so I don't know if pregnancy could aggravate that and make things worse.

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This is what the internet says: Mild itching is usually nothing to worry about, but if the itching becomes severe it can be a sign of a liver condition called 'obstetric cholestasis', or 'intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy' (ICP).


Cooper Ashley • Sep 5, 2017
I just don't know where the line is between mild and severe, although if it's affecting my sleep it's probably not mild..


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That definitely sounds like something they need to know about. Not overnight probably but definitely first thing in the morning!


Cooper Ashley • Sep 5, 2017
That's what I'm thinking tbh