Not sure if it's a period or something else?


Ok ladies has anyone else had a weird implantation experience? Or just a random period?

Here's what happened to me

So I thought I started my period on aug 28th in the middle of the day (seems about right) but then it was a tad heavier than usual when first starting (it was light for a normal period but different for me) then I stopped cold turkey for the rest of the day no more bleeding nada until September 1st it was a little bit after sex but then bam gone again and then for the final time on the 2nd again after sex and it's gone again I do feel cramping but not a whole bunch and I'm the type that is usually in TERRIBLE pain so I got to thinking today after a coworker asked me if I was having morning sickness because I came into work experiencing terrible acid reflux and stomach aches along with being nauseous. So has anyone had a similar story or experience that can relate and possibly help me out here I'm going nuts !!! (And it's too early to test ☹️)