UPDATE: Should I switch OBs? - This seems suspicious and inappropriate ... I need your opinion!!


The backstory:

My husband and I are so excited to be pregnant, this is our first. My last cycle started on June 29th and I found out on July 24th after missing AF! I also took many POSITIVE pregnancy tests, and I've been monitoring that they've been getting darker. The morning sickness, sore breasts, light cramping, food aversions and cravings are ALL in full effect!! According to Glow on Friday 8/18 I should of been 7w 1d... We were VERY excited, after waiting 3w for our appointment, to have an ultrasound to get confirmation, put our minds at ease, and make sure everything is good, healthy, etc. Well our appointment only made my anxiety worse!! As I looked up at the ultrasound screening we saw the sac but nothing in it. No flutter, no baby. The ultrasound tech said the doctor "will talk to me about it" (like.. I'm already in a FULL PANIC) The Dr. said we were "probably going to miscarry, but the sac looks good so he will treat it as a healthy pregnancy" (who says that!? Wtf!) they drew blood that day and again on the following Monday to monitor hCG. I had a follow up appointment the following Tuesday to confirm either a growing baby or a loss... with a million questions is it possible I'm only 5w? Or is baby hiding?

The follow up appointment:

The doctor was in delivery so after getting blood drawn and a horrible anxiety filled weekend. I wanted some answers. I almost broke down during the US because I wanted to know my hCG levels, I wanted the tech to tell me what she saw on US. But they were not very forthcoming. I begged the Dr. Assistant to give me my levels (which were 4K on Friday and 6k on Monday) after she left the room the US tech said we have a tiny dot now measuring 6w2d and she showed us the little heart flicker. She said she knows it's hard not being able to hear any news. She said I was 10 days off which is normal. I didn't get to see the doctor so they want to call the Dr. in the morning to see if I need to come in again. Better news then before and definitely more hopeful!! So I called the doctor the next day and his words were "he is very surprised...(who says that!?) and it looks good now so they will see me in 2 weeks" after comparing the US from this time and last time you can see everything in the same place. Maybe their equipment is just antiquated??

Today (2 weeks later):

I went to the OB today, exactly two weeks since last time. All blood work came back fine and perfect now. After talking to my Dr. I went in for a US and the first thing the US tech said to me was "your bladder is in the way, I can't really see anything" instead of having me empty my bladder she just said "the doctor will explain everything". Here comes my anxiety again. So the doctor took his sweet time while I'm going damn near crazy. He finally comes in and says "well this pregnancy looks like it isn't going to make it we recommend a D&C;" --woah woah wait a second, so before emptying my bladder, or taking more hCG testing you're going right into D&C;?? He said "your levels last time were up near 25k" (the Dr. Assistant told me 4&6k this is the first time I've heard this number) nothing adds up!! I asked them to show me on US why they thought that this wasn't a good pregnancy and his answer was "well this didn't start out well.." (Although CLEARLY based on the last US it was too early the first time) ..and he proceeded to say "I've seen cases for 25 years and although none the same as yours there's like a 90% chance..."...blah blah blah, going on and on about statistics and miscarriage. I understand that could be the case but what if it's not? Where are the facts, why don't the numbers add up? Why won't they empty my bladder to redo the US? Where is the patient care??? What the heck!!? I'm going to get a second opinion but why wouldn't you explore all options before going strait into a D&C.; We walked out of there with more questions then answers today.

What do you think!?

UPDATE: So most likely we are going through a loss, they do think it an "empty sac" 😔 I do love the doctor we switched to; they have great (and new) equipment, patient care. The Dr. is still reviewing everything and they're going to do another US next week to monitor. They said they will monitor for as long as I feel comfortable and just to be 110% sure!! They do NOT recommend D&C; unless 100% necessary after natural options are explored. I am now switching to them for all my future OB and Gyn care!