Not sure if I can leave baby overnight with Dad

Sheva • Baby on Board! #inlovewithher #momanddadarewalkingzombies #learninghowtoSLEEPWHENBABYISSLEEPING

My childhood friend is getting married. She's invited my husband, baby and me to the three day celebration. It takes place about a 9 hour drive or a quick plane ride away in the San Francisco/Oakland area. We aren't comfortable taking our almost 1 year old on a plane, yet, and not excited about 16 hours locked up in a car seat. So, we've been talking about me going alone. Instead of enjoying all three days of celebrating, I'd just be there for the wedding ceremony and stay in hotel one night, then fly back. I'm a stay at home mom, so baby girl is with me a lot. Lately, she's been extra clingy with me. Dadda is a good dad, but he just can't soothe her like I can. Just curious if anyone else has left baby overnight? Or longer? with who? and at what age?