Baby almost here, freaking out

I'm about 3 weeks away from my due date and I feel guilty because when people ask me if I'm so ready at this point, I say yes, but I'm really not. I'm so scared to give birth. And I'm even more afraid of being a mother. I've never been the "motherly" type, never babysat, I've never even changed a diaper! I have everything I need for the baby and a very supportive husband, but I just don't feel ready. I know my life will never be the same and I'm freaking out. I feel like I'm not as excited as I should be like all of these other moms who can't wait to meet their babies. I feel so guilty. What is wrong with me?!

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Not a damn thing is wrong with you. I felt the same and also had zero experience, also never really into gushing about babies. Although I was happy when she was safe and healthy I didn't feel an initial connection, it took a few weeks. I loved her but was weird getting use to being a mom. Now, 8 months later and it's like I can't imagine a world without her. Prior experience and "readiness" aren't required to be a good mom. I think there are a lot of us that feel this way but not everyone wants to admit it.


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I just tell people straight up that I am terrified when they ask if I am "so excited" ... I am not gushy and excited, I am 8 months pregnant and freaking out lol! don't ask me if you don't really want to know! (I've never been one for insincere small talk lol...) If I lie and tell them I am excited I am making it harder for the next woman to say she is afraid. I am trying to normalize it, it shouldn't be assumed that every pregnant woman is over the moon excited all the time, that isn't realistic. but it sort of seems like society expects that of us, and shames us into feeling like guilty parents before the baby is even here! so, in conclusion, dont worry, it is ok lol 😁


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Nothing. It's completely normal to feel like you are.


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with you! It's a massive life change that you can't fully prepare yourself for. Before you know it you'll forget what your life was like before children and you'll be mothering like a pro 😁


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Hormones are driving you cray 😋Nobody is fully prepared, ever.We do what we can and we all freak out at one point. Give yourself a break and a big hug!💪🏻❤️🐥


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A LOT of women go through this so don't feel alone! Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it or talk to a dr about ppd if you feel you need to. Don't expect to be perfect all the time. It's okay to get frustrated, it's okay to lock yourself in the bathroom to escape for a few minutes, it's okay to break down every now and then. Just lean on the people closest to you when you can. You got this, you just gotta believe it yourself 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻