Ovidrel Question, Please Help

Marie • Mama after infertility to three 💜💙💙

I took lethrozole 5mg CD 4-8. I had an ultrasound CD 10 and had two mature follicles (20mm and 17.5mm) so my doctor decided to trigger me with Ovidrel that same morning. The next day I had horrible cramping so I assumed I ovulated.

Up until today I've has very little EWCM, so we had to use preseed. My body normally ovulates on it's own and normally that's not an issue. I figured it was a side effect of the meds, but today I had a lot of EWCM (four days post trigger). Did I not ovulate yet? Is it possible the trigger shot didn't work??

I'm so confused. Anyone have any experience with this? Please let me know, I appreciate any help!