Am I crazy to be bothered?!


I almost feel bad asking, because my husband is so good and attentive in every way, but I can't help but be annoyed and I guess I just need to hear someone else's take. 🙈

So as many of you may have seen on the news, hurricane Irma is coming our way (South Florida). My husband and I have been preparing the best we can as it's predicted to make landfall in the next 3 days.

My husband and I have been together for 3 years, married for 1, and have a baby due in a month... he co-parents his two kids: his son is 20 years old and just recently moved out of our place and got a roommate, and his daughter is 17 and comes over on the weekends.

Long story short, his ex-wife called him to help her board up her windows... this would require him to leave work early, go through the chaos that is the stores right now (everyone is panicking due to the weather forecasts) to go buy the wood, and out of his own money no doubt... when I asked him if she doesn't have anyone else to do it, he said according to her it is because her boyfriend just had two hip replacements.

however, this isn't the first time there's a weather scare and he goes to help her prep her house. His daughter stays with us during hurricane warnings anyway, and I don't think once the new baby is here he should continue to be her rescue when he has our young family to think about... so I just feel like she should start finding a new handyman... am I wrong to be bothered?! 🤷🏻‍♀️