Dream.. 😭

Liz • Wichita Falls, Tx 🏡 Happily Taken 💕💜

I have to share this, somewhere to someone.

My boyfriend is 29, works food service.

I live with him.

My ex best friend used to work with him, now lives with MY parents (her parents aren't in the picture and she was 18 & homeless when we were still friends, now my parents treat her like their daughter.)

Well, back story.

They worked together and I went up to his and her work (at the time) and he seemed like an egotistical asshole. Hated it. But, my best friend at the time had a massive crush on him. (Her being 18, him being 28 then. This was only a few months ago by the way.) But, she was in a relationship already with a military man. Anyways, on the Fourth of July we went to his place to hang out (nothing better to do) and he's a respectful guy so it wasn't seen as bad even though we're all adults. When we were there, my friend took me in the bathroom with her and told me he was off limits to me, because he was on her back burner.. so I shut up for the rest of the night and strayed off to different places to please her. On the 5th after I got off work somewhere else, I asked him if I could come over. I wasn't comfortable being home alone. So I did, and we talked for a really long time (7 hours, no tv, no phones) and for my antisocial ass that was new! He was so kind and sweet outside of work. So I began to like him, he began to like me. You can guess the rest.

My best friend ended up hating me. Ended up quitting her job because, I got with him. My stepmom (who hates me) loves her so she managed to make my stepmom hate me more. Which pushed me into moving out. After only a week of dating my boyfriend. (Fast? I know!)

Anyways, THE DREAM

My boyfriend and I got into an argument and he decided he wanted to be with my ex best friend. And that she was going to move in and that I was going to move out. But, about me moving out, I had no where to go. My heart was shatteredddd.


She recently became single from her military boyfriend. They began dating in June and she cheated within a month of dating.

My boyfriend has said he doesn't like her the way she likes him.

And he loves me, I love him (yes, love. Yes, early. We lived together hella quick. Things happen. Feelings happen)

Anyways, I have a feeling the dream came up due to the reason she became single and wanted him before I even did. But, she was in a relationship and he didn't like her that way.

Sorry it's long, but I needed to get it off my chest.