ovulation pain


anyone experience It? every single month, my cycle is on point. I ovulate, then a couple of days later my lower abdomen feels full and full of pressure. tender to push on it and worse on whichever side I'm ovulating from each month. now, none of this pain is enough to put me down, and it doesn't feel like cramps. however, it does make it painful to have sex. and it only lasts a couple of hours for one day. this first happened my 2nd month off of birth control (I went off 2 years ago and have been ttc ever since) however, the first time it happened it lasted a couple of days. nothing showed up on ultrasounds other than a little cyst which was gone a couple of days later... hence my doctor said it's just normal ovulating and the pain is what they call middlescmertz. Anyone else have this??? I find it strange that by testing I ovulated a couple of days ago... I'm so confused on when I should actually be trying.