
Taylor • Mommy to a baby girl ❤️ Diagnosed with ICP. Induction date: 12/21/2017 Due date: 01/08/2018

So. Long story short, my fiancé (26yrs) and I (23yrs) have been together for 5 years, 6 years tomorrow actually!

My boyfriends brother and sister in law have been together for 12 years, and are currently trying to have a baby for the last year. Last week she had a tubal pregnancy and I feel terrible for her. Her and I aren't on the best of terms as of some drama which happened almost 5 months back.... so it's awkward.

The thing is..... I'm 22 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a baby girl. My mom knows and is super excited. My dad passed away a few years ago. My fiancé told his mom yesterday about how I'm pregnant, she claims she's so excited and happy for us, but her heart is breaking for her other son.... I feel bad, but things happen. Timing is always off.

My fiancé is going to his brothers house to help him with something, and my fiancé knows he needs to tell him that we're expecting.. he doesn't know how to without crushing them.. regardless they're going to be crushed, no matter what.

My mom and I are going crazy because we want to start planning the baby shower seeing it's getting cold within the next month or so, but we can't make anything public until his brother knows.... How do we tell his brother, and try to calm him down because we know he's going to be upset?

What do we do?! 😭 please help