
Dear Joshua,

I wish you new how much I actually cared about you. We have been friends for a while now, and we both established that we have feelings for each other. I know there is 6 hours between us, but I'm just here for school, and will be coming home every two or three weekends. I know that doesn't feel like a lot, but as we discussed God has definitely brought us together for a reason. I have never felt the way I feel about you about anyone. You are the only guy I've cried over, and you just mean so much to me. I watched that video you gave me, and when I saw you come on screen I just couldn't help but smile. You are so hecking cute!! Why are you so cute!? And you're eyes are beautiful. I know you don't get it a lot, and I know you don't think it, but you are beautiful Josh. I find you so attractive in both a physical and emotional way. I think I love you Josh. I just wish I could actually tell you this.