Damn, life is too short


I just found out a friend from work died yesterday. He was 24, had a kid and had an amazing sense of adventure and wonder. It pains me to know that life can be taken so abruptly. I just wanted to shoutout to everyone on this app (and in the world): know that you are loved. You're beautiful and you mean something. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Tell your parents you love them everyday. Hold your kids tight before they sleep so they feel your love. Kiss your man/woman passionately so that they know you love them. Love yourself, too.

Thanks for reading. ❤️🤘🏽

**Update on this post**

I went to the service and of course, it was heartbreaking. His mom couldn't even talk. But his grandpa did. His grandpa's words meant so much. He said, "Every one of you in this room, don't ever half-heartedly hug anyone again. You hug people like it's the last time you'll see them because it might be." 😪

Peace be with you, friend.