Did you drug me?


We were good friends, then we became flirty. I was embarrassed of my feelings, didn't think you felt the same way about me. You invited me to a party, I brought a mutual friend. I drank a lot (as usual) and we ended up staying at your place - you insisted I sleep in your bed with you, our friend in the other bed. I passed out when my head hit the pillow. I woke to you breathing heavy in my ear, grinding against my ass and groping my breasts, but I couldn't move, I was frozen. You tried to pry my legs apart after pulling my underwear down to my knees. You tried so hard, eventually gave up. When the sun came up, I woke our friend and went home. I talked to you after, you denied anything happened. I asked why I woke with my panties down to my knees, you had no response. Thanks, buddy.