don't feel the same...

my fiance and i would make love maybe 5-6 times every 2 weeks when we were in the beginning of our relationship we been together for 2 yrs. in the beginning of our relationship we didn't have sex for 2 months because we didn't want to rush. well now we barley even make love. it's been getting me down a lot where i just look in the mirror and think of all these nasty things about my body. i guess I'm becoming insecure again like i was as a teen. if i want to make love its all these excuses! "I'm tired, my back hurts, baby i just want to watch tv" but he only wants sex when he wants it and it only like 3-4 times in a month sometimes 2 times and he doesn't finish the job. today i told him our sex life is boring to me now and he was the reason i felt this way. now i was being 100% truthful because we promised each other to tell each other how we feel no matter how bad it would be. i told him i still love him but the sex isn't great i don't feel anything now really. i told him i hated myself for it but i also think it's my body sometimes causing you to not want to make love like we use to. he didn't get mad he apologized and said he was still very much attractive to me and love me. now he isn't cheating he goes to work and come straight home and when he's off we go on dates or stay home and watch Netflix. our relationship isn't bad at all its actually great we joke around like crazy and we stay to ourselves we had one miscarriage last year and that brought us closer. maybe that's what he's afraid of because he took it harder than me if it is i hope he would tell me. but yeah just our sex isn't the same... anyone else's is in the same boat great relationship poor sex?