My Bf Left Me For His Ex & I Took Him Back Now I Regret It 💔


I met my bf when I was 19 he left me because he claim i was to shy. We met back up in 2015 & took things slow got to know each other & each others past & with the information given i felt like he still had feelings for his ex. We broke up in december 2016 just 2 weeks before her bday & it broke my heart. He came back 3 months later swearing he didnt leave to be with her how much it was a misunderstanding how much he misses me he was my first love so i have a weak spot for him so i took him back & he's been great every since but i snooped on his ex's page & saw her driving his car going live on Facebook before we split the second time now i just feel stupid he swears me up & down it's not his car but i know it is but he's been so good to me lately he cried for me even let me check his phone without hesitation & agreed to not have sex until i feel comfortable again but I'm not sure if i should hate him for this i kinda figured he was cheating with her behind my back anyways it just hurts to know for a fact it was true at first i had my doubts but now i have proof & i just dont know what to do he's always there for me he such a better bf now we talk about marriage a future together & i really feel he genuinely lobe me now but i feel like second place & like i cant trust him anymore... What to do please helpÂ