Weight loss


So I've always been a chubby girl I'm only 4'11 so my weight is very obvious when I got pregnant I was at 182 by the time I went to go deliver my son I was at 210 the heaviest I've ever been. After I had my son I was able to go back to 182, I felt so sluggish and out of shape I was unhappy with my body. My mother in law and sister in laws would tell me that I would never be thin after a baby, and that it would be impossible to loose weight. I decided that I didn't want to be part of a norm, and that I needed to set my little one an example, I joined the gym, tried to eat some what healthy (I still had pizza and tacos 😆). I am now at 152, dropped four pant sizes, dropped shirt sizes, this is the best I have ever felt. Still want to loose another 10 pounds but not in a hurry no more.