
Hi ladies, well my DH and I have been TTC for 3 yrs and have not been successful. My family dr. Finally sent me to a obgyn who believes the problem lies within scar tissue build up from multiple abdominal surgeries. ( 8" of my colon removed, hernia repair with mesh, and of course apedectomy) she prescribed clomid to help give me a boost. I started on the 5th CD and as of 9/4-9/5 I had + OPK Which in itself was amazing because I had only ever caught that pesky Lh surge 2 other times in 3 yrs! Well we have been BD and DTD off and on since I started the clomid. We made sure to hit the two days I tested + for the upcoming O. Fingers crossed this times takes. There's nothing worse than the waiting.....