I don't trust my boyfriend anymore and idk what to do.

We've gotten really close really fast. Honestly I don't try to make plans with him that much because if I don't make plans than it forces him to put in the effort which he didn't do when he started dating because I was the only one trying to talk and make plans to see each other.

But he stopped talking to me a lot and stopped trying to make plans. I asked if we were ok and he said yes multiple times. And then he told a friend of mine that I'm possessive, insane, and crazy. It hurt me so bad to read that when she sent me what he had said. And I talked to him about it but he said that I'm overreacting, but it makes me so mad and upset that he would tell someone things like that about me. Especially after saying we were ok.

I don't even know what to do. I trusted him so much, he's the first guy I had sex with, first one to meet my family, and a bunch of other stuff. I don't even know if I trust him anymore. My friends think we need to break up but I don't know.

Please send some kind advice 😔