Then and now (drop pics!!πŸ‘‡)

Sonya β€’ πŸ€πŸ’œ Mom of 4 girls πŸ€πŸ’œ

My baby girl was born at 36 weeks 6p12oz no complaints (thank God πŸ™) besides needing a little oxygen to help open her lungs she's now 8 week's (4 adjusted) and close to 10 pounds ❀ our babies are strong and amazing little human beings my heart really goes out to all you mommy's who's babies had/have issues or had/are staying in the NICU it's definitely a scary time but you will get through it and come out stronger an

so will your babies! no matter if it's been a day week month or year drop a pic of your amazing preemie baby! πŸ‘‡