Is Blisovi 24 FE good?


I'm almost 16 and just started birth control last night, I'm taking Blisovi 24 FE and Im wondering how effective it is and how bad are the side effects?

I looked up reviews and the results were pretty negative. My mom said that most medications get negative reviews, because the only people who write reviews had really bad experiences. And the people it works well for just say "ok good" and thats it.

Im mostly worried about weight gain. I have a strange thing with food since I attempted a popular calorie restricting diet called the ABC diet. (however I quit and am now just trying to generally eat healthy.) Ever since I'm super nervous about what I eat, and if I eat anything just slightly unhealthy it's all I can think about. Im not exactly overweight, but I have some chub and would prefer to be about 20 lbs less. Anyways

Anyone who has taken this pill I would appreciate anything you can tell me about it. Im really scared about the possibility of gaining weight.