Family won't let me speak to my (ex) husband

My husband who I'm saving up to divorce was verbally and mentally abusive.

With me living out of my country to be with him it all got much with his behaviour and my pregnancy so I left and flew home. This is when I asked him for a divorce because despite how much I tried I knew that he didn't love me because of how he treated me.

Now when I told my family ( in trust ) some of the things he would say and how he'd treat me it made them all instantly hate him and from then on they banned me from speaking to him.

This was hard for me because I still loved him. I'd gone from being married to being a single soon to be mum so I didn't stop contact and I still knew though that I wouldn't want him to see the baby.

I rejected letting him into the room as I gave birth because my family were there and he literally said beforehand that if anything bad happened to me during the birth he wouldn't care and doesn't care about me during labour because all he cares about is the baby.

Once he flew home I didn't speak to him for months and I must admit that because I'm a nice person I was full of guilt for not letting someone see their own child, even if they were a prick!!

But now all I get from my family is " are you still speaking to him ?!?!" In a stern voice and then they try to sound sympathetic like " we would totally understand it's just we want to know " the last time they said that I told them like " yes I spoke to them " and omg they came down on me like a ton of bricks. yelling, arguing, insulting me, making me stupid , saying I've basically given away my son because in court the judge will see I spoke to the babies father and " wont like that " so I'll lost my son.


So that is why I just didn't tell them if anything happened.

Idk if it's my family being over dramatic or what , please tell me your opinion !!!



My mum is crazy and was like " someone called me and said that my kids don't want me (me and my sisters ) and want me dead" and when we all asked her if she recognised the voice or accent she was like "no I was upset !"

No phone number, no rememberable accent and she kept changing what the person said. That was in January then apparently a few weeks ago it happened again only this time there was a phone number but she " couldn't remember " if if was a American phone number and my dad deleted it, this to me sounds fake and shady as fuck and they're like " oh we're going to die " it's like, No, you aren't stop making everything about you .

My husband never had my families phone number and my mum doesn't get technology she thinks that because he messaged her once on fb messenger that he has her number.