very upset !


My little girl was born August 23 , she's 16 days old , and i have bad P.P.D or baby blues or whatever, I cry for no reason and had thought and told my husband I feel like I regret our daughter because I just wanted to be us 2 agai, now it's us 3, her crying and fussing a lot at first was really hard , it made me feel like I was doing something wrong, and i hate to have these thoughts because I love our daughter.. I sometimes thought of leaving but I wouldn't ever be able to do that to them because I love my husband and would hate the not knowing part on how our daughters doing.. I hate having these thoughts and can't control them :/ i wanna be myself again and enjoy every moment with my husband and her. i also hate that my daughter can't latch to my boob she fusses and Crys so badly I feel like I'm not connected to her :/. this is me venting. andyone else feel like this ?:(. it sadens me.