Did any of you ladies have to convince your man to TTC?


I'm a really laid back girlfriend and November will be 2 years for my partner and I. Im hoping in the next year my dream of becoming a mom and having a husband will come true. My partner has been screwed over to say the least by one of his past girlfriends. I had to learn how to tell him that I definitely see children in my future, I had to be understanding of the hurt he endured and not pick at the issue (no matter how hard it was to not talk about it at times). I had to keep my desires under wraps a lot but these days, these days are different. He now mentions fun places we could take our son (we really want a boy first). He tells me happy his mom would be to have her first biological grandchild (her other grand babies were adopted) He tells me how h e is going to clean the entire house and rid of any alcohol and cigarettes (we smoke and drink a bit). He tells me how hes going to watch over me 24/7 even if it means going to his friends with him when he gets drunk in celebration. (I love you baby.) So ladies, whats been your experience with men who are afraid or unsure, etc?