FINALLY able to cloth!

Clarissa • Mama

So my lil girl wasn't able to wear cloth diapers until about 7 months (she's almost 8 months now lol) due to low weight and different medications. Now that we've made the full switch I am sooo happy!

We have a wide array of brands, but I think BumGenius have become our faves for practical and cutesie reasons, GroVia for designs, and Imagine for price! I think my favorite soap for them is the persil sensitive??

I'm seriously thinking about switching to cloth wipes too because that seems easier than wetbagging the diaper and tossing the wipes- why not just put everything in one place?

We got a lot of different types (AIO, Pocket, half/half), but pockets have become our faves!

What brands do you like and why? What's your favorite combo for night time? Do you use cloth wipes?😍