Sex starved marriage

Hi ladies, so hubby (30) and I (27) have been married for 2 years. And our sex life is non existent. We last had sex 2 weeks ago.

I don't feel attracted to him or anyone for that matter sexually. It's like sex has become a chore for me, he gets very upset when I don't want to have it and that only makes the situation worse. When we do have sex it's usually not great for me and I just wait for it to end. Before we got married I used to looove sex, we could do it 3 times a night. I had to beg him for us to go again.

Normally he just rushes for the clit when initiating and that just urg! I've tried to have us sit and talk about this and voice my concerns also about how he could improve on getting me in the mood. He hates us talking about it, says why does it have to be his responsibility to get me in the mood, why must he earn sex. I end up so upset and cry because I feel like there is something wrong with me. What could I possibly do to help this situation.

I've tried coaching him through without lecturing him, having us cuddle and sit together, never mind kissing, honestly he starts off fine and then turns into the wrong direction even tried showing him to not just rush for the clit but he gets soooo impatient and I just end up back where we started just laying on my side and let him do what he has to do.

We love each other and had a great sex life before, I just don't know what main switch went off and how to turn it back on.

Please help and some practical things I could maybe try right away would be greatly appreciated.