Is gossiping about my pregnancy that I DIDN'T SHARE considered harassment at work?

So last Friday I got a message from a coworker letting me know a few of my coworkers including a provider (physician assistant) were looking me up on social media and found out I was pregnant (my accounts are private) but my bio on ig said I'm expecting which I haven't changed since I had a miscarriage last year I just happen to be pregnant again however because I had a miscarriage I didn't want to share my news until I know my baby is safe ( Also I never go on that account anymore so I never changed it) well fast forward to Tuesday and the provider had gossiped and told the whole office I was pregnant and she kept trying to ask me if I was pregnant and said how it was suspicious that I asked her about some blood work I had over a year ago (about my TSH levels wtf) well they didn't let up and I knew the truth behind why they were really suspicious so I asked them why they were asking and they continued to lie so I said well I know you were looking me up and explained that I never changed my bio from a miscarriage I had less than a year ago (I still wasn't going to tell them I'm pregnant that's my private life and they don't need to know) well this provider continued to tell me I need to get over it and that I should change my bio (I found this disgusting of her to say so I ignored her) well she treated me like shit the rest of the day belittling me in front of coworkers which is embarrassing. The next day first thing in the morning a pregnant coworker was getting water from the cooler and me her and the provider were the only people in the room and she made the remark "I'm just surrounded by pregnant people" which infuriated me that she still was bothering me when I told her I wasn't pregnant!! Well the whole day she belittled me again, next day Thursday she was in the room with a patient who if they were to get a certain medication could not be trying to conceive or be pregnant well after asking the patient if she were either she then proceeded to say well you need to be honest if you are honesty is important and you should be honest with me (not necessary at all to say to the patient it was obvious she was directing that towards me especially since she was looking at me while saying it) well then she belittled me in front of a Rep and coworkers telling me I need to do my job that's all she's asking of me and it's not that hard it's just a job so I let her know I was trying my best (but given how uncomfortable she was making me doing my job was getting difficult) my manager was out so I asked if I could work with another doctor and she told the person who requested me to move no that I had to stay with her (I tried getting away from her and she wouldn't let me!) well when the provider left the Rep told me how she was embarrassed for me so being that I was on the verge of tears I shouldn't have but I said yeah she's been really bitchy to me this week. Well she overheard that 😑 and to my knowledge that Rep (I learned after the fact) tried stirring the pot and told her I called her a bitch! Well instead of coming to me she gossiped around the office that I called her a bitch! Well I finally went to a higher up manager and told her what was happening and she told me I needed to get HR involved but told me what I did was wrong saying that (seriously by that time she had beat me down to where I wanted to cry all afternoon it took everything in me not to request to go home) but she also said what she did wasn't acceptable and we needed to fix this now before it escalates. Well I'm in my 90 days I didn't ask for any of this and it looks bad on my character! I kept my private life just that private and she wouldn't stop bullying me because I didn't want to share any info with her! I'm nervous I'm going to get fired because of this drama 😩