Little girl "breastfeeding" her sister...

Shannon • Mommy to Harrison James | 10.06.17 💜

If any of you have Instagram/Facebook, I'm sure you've seen this video that is everywhere right now.

If not, here's a brief summary of it:

A little girl, maybe 2 or 3 is sitting in bed with her brand new baby sister and the baby is crying, face blood shot red because she's hungry. The little girl proceeds to shove her nipple in the baby's face to "feed" her while the mother records it saying "good job sissy".

(If you'd like to see the video you can look up kaleymunday on Instagram).

I'm just wondering what you ladies think about this. Is it a cute and sweet moment to share or was how the mother handled it inappropriate?

*Disclaimer* I am strictly asking opinions because I am a FTM so I've never been in this situation, but this seems to be very controversial from all the comments I've seen on IG!

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