advice on Breast feeding in bed


Okay every time my little one wakes up to eat (every 2 hours) i always swoop her up take her to the nursery and change her first then feed her in my glider.. but she stays up so long an hour to hour and half at a time! She falls asleep on my nipple. I've tried waking her up (wiping her down turning a light on etc) my mom said "she's a snacker". So my question is how do I feed her while laying down in bed because I'm to tired for this anymore. She's almost a month old. Oh and how do I get her to take a passi? She won't take on and just uses me allllll day long! Any advice will be appreciated. I just can't seem to get a position to work.. 😆 Pic of my cute Hazel. She's too cute not to share!