Boyfriend said he wants to be alone forever

I can't stop crying right now. We've been together over two years now and just got into a very bad argument. He was screaming at me over the phone because I asked when I could see him again since we are in LDR for the next year (he used to live here) and that I'm upset he moved away from me after we've been together for two years. One day this past May he told me he was moving to another state and I couldn't come with him. I was absolutely devastated because it was all so sudden, but he said he needed to move for his "personal health". He ended up moving in June and I drove 8 hours to see him in July. One night while I was there I told him I couldn't do this because it was tearing me apart emotionally, he was being very cold and distant and treating me very poorly the first few days I was down there, and so I started packing my stuff. Seriously, I didn't drive 400 miles for you to be on your phone while we're eating dinner the ENTIRE TIME. I spent the entire 6 days there laying in bed with him facing the other way all night, no cuddling or kissing, nothing, but he "loves me so much". He cried and cried and begged me to say and grabbed me and held me and I said no more of this, please. He kept crying saying he loved me and he wants me to be with him, so I ended up staying at his place for 3 more days after that. Even though I stayed, all he did was look at his phone while we were eating dinner or talking.

I haven't seen him since and he says he doesn't know when he can come back here to visit me. He says that he still loves me and we ended up being in a LDR, but how can he love me if he CHOSE to leave me to go somewhere 8 hours away? Am I wrong for thinking this?

He expects me to understand his decision fully even though it hurts because it feels like he abandoned me, we got into a heated argument because I was upset over his decision and then he said he wants to be left alone forever then hung up and I had to beg him to call me back. He hung up again and now is not answering. The distance makes it even harder. I'm never like this, I feel so fucking weak and pathetic that I have to beg him...someone please help. I don't know what to do.

*update: so he just called me and said that he didn't mean it, he doesn't want to break up and he'll come here to see me this Friday. He says he loves me, but is love really enough? He screams at me and is passive aggressive and distant all the time. He says when his lease runs out he's going to move back here to be with me, he wants to "marry me". But he is hardly affectionate with me. I do everything for him. I've put in SO MUCH effort but it feels like it's all for nothing.