Problem/Solution. (First post, sorry about length)


After a very abnormal cycle that put me in ER thus causing me to be referred to ob office (just moved to new state, tried to find ob but not accepting new patients) we have found our problem and recieved our solution. Hubby and I have been ttc for over four years, going on five. My new ob decided to run some blood samples checking, thyroid (as I am of bigger women), progesterone, as well as phosphate. Thyroid is of normal levels along with phosphate, progesterone NOT AT ALL!. Was told by ob they would like to see progesterone level at a solid 10-12 to be able to concieve, mine is at a whopping 0.5, with that being said we are to try on our own another 6 months. If no luck ob is starting me on clomid. Hoping by this time next year we have a little one. 🙏👶