Something special!? Or over thinking?!


Hi guys ! So I'm a very very big believer of sign or that things always happened for a reason so I work as a waitress at a restaurant and to day at work like usual just going around the tables giving customer service and a baby like about a year and a half out of no where touches my womb well I thought it was so cute but then I thought maybe the baby was just trying to just say hi that's it then another baby like 3 years old did the same and then another kid also like the age of 3 then that's when I really started thinking maybe it's a sign of god that maybe my dreams of being a mom are coming true very soon and that god has heard all my prayers and the tears of deception month to month to see my period come ! Hopefully god answers my prayers my husband and I have been TTC for about 5 months now and nothing 😒🙁