Relationship advice


My boyfriend and i have been together 2 and a half years now. We recently broke up on Mother's Day this year because we just couldn't see eye to eye. He was a dick and I'm rude af. I'm very insecure and prefer reassurance. I don't think he's cheating never once thought he's cheating. This actually has nothing to do with cheating. I'm just the type of bitch that gets her panties in a twist when a girl says hey because he's mine and he don't need to entertain nobody but me. Which is my point. He will talk to all these people about anything and everything and when it comes to talking with me it's the same ole same. How was your day want anything from the store. Night love you. We're boring af. I'm not mad about it or anything I just feel like despite all our time together we just hang out on our phones. I have a 5 yr old and he's not into paying attention to him at all. It's very annoying. I bring it up to him he says if you're unhappy then leave. Well that's the thing. I only took him back because I didn't wanna just throw 2 years away I thought we could work on us. He promised to change and be better and I said I'll look into how one becomes less of a cunt. I'm NOT happy. I'm only with him to not throw away 2 years. I could care less if I leave and I'm at a point now where idc if I stay even. At least he's there. What the fuck am I doing and what should I be doing. Any input welcomed. Call me names even idc I just need an outsiders POV